Bizim Hikaye Episode 55 Season 2 Full With English Subtitle

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Watch Bizim Hikaye Episode 55 Season 2 Full With English Subtitle,

This is the adaptation of the famous series Shameless. Filiz a protagonist who has been struggling to survive in one of the poor neighborhoods of the city is the eldest child of the family who has looked after her five younger siblings since her mother left them and her father is addicted to alcohol. One day a mysterious young man Barish enters into her life and does his best to win the heart of Filiz and becomes a part of the family. However, Filiz believes that there is no place for love in her life considering the difficult life she’s been leading and tries to ignore her feelings. The 6 siblings try to keep each other happy despite their father Fikri who devoted his life to just drinking and making money from the easy way.

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